
squint eye exercises by squint eye specialist
3 Squint Eye Exercises by Squint Specialists to Speed Up Squint Treatment

By: Arohi Manager

June 24, 2021


If you are looking for the best squint specialist in Mumbai, this blog has your solution. Squint is a special eye condition in which both the eyes do not align with each other when they look at any object. In medical terms, this condition is called Strabismus. Often people call it lazy eye or crossed […]

7 Simple Ways to Reduce Computer Eye Strain Naturally
7 Simple Ways to Reduce Computer Eye Strain Naturally

By: Arohi Manager

June 11, 2021


Amid the coronavirus pandemic, everyone’s use of digital screen time has increased a lot. This brings a bunch of eye problems and hence people are looking for ways to reduce computer eye strain. Stressed or tired eyes show a lot of symptoms and in medical terms, it is called Computer Vision Syndrome. But why does […]

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